Fair Shares in Europe (but having some fun too)

11th November 2016

While we were in Brussels most of our time was spent in meetings discussing very serious things.

But we did manage to get some down time afterwards as well. Here are some of the highlights!


Visiting the lion mound memorial of 1815. This is the site of the Battle of Waterloo.


A tour around the Museum of the Battle of Waterloo with some amazing displays.


Some great musical performances at the Academy of Arts and Music.


We found a Brussels local and using my best Timebanking skills I managed to convince him to give us a guided night time walk around Brussels. This is a group of us at the Grand Place. In fact the real highlight of our time there was meeting all the amazing people from across Europe who are so dedicated to their local communities and doing some truly inspirational work.


…and of course, trying to figure out how the public transport system works in Flemish!

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