GEM Job Coach Vacancy

7th September 2021
Full Time (Part time considered) – Fixed Term until 31st December 2022

The Gloucestershire GEM (Going the Extra Mile) Project, commenced in October 2016 and has engaged with over 1500 people across Gloucestershire. It focuses on people who face challenges in getting into work, and supports them to move closer towards education, training, or employment. The GEM Project is managed by Gloucestershire Gateway Trust (GGT) on behalf of Gloucestershire County Council and is delivered by GEM Delivery Partners and, as one of those Partners, Fair Shares is seeking to recruit a Job Coach (formerly Navigator Developer), based in Gloucester with a focus on the Barton and Tredworth area.

Job Coaches work directly with individuals to guide them throughout their entire journey and support them into education, employment or volunteering. This post involves providing intensive 1: 2: 1 support in order to build, confidence, stability motivation and readiness to learn, and ultimately move closer towards education, training, volunteering or work, including self-employment.

This diverse and demanding role will give you opportunity to support people who face challenges in getting into work
especially women, people over 50, people with physical, mental or cognitive Disability or health, Learning Disability, Carers, black, Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME), Homeless, people not in employment, or those overcoming addictions. The role involves .developing relationships with individuals who meet the GEM criteria, building confidence and trust. You will need to develop relationships and outreach within the local communities to ensure the project reaches those most in need of support.

If this sounds like a post that would interest you and matches your skills and knowledge then contact or phone 01452 415900 for more information and an Application Form and Job Specification.

Applications, along with a covering letter must be returned by email to the above email address. Only applications on a Fair Shares application form will be considered. Please do not submit CV’s as they will not be considered as part of the selection process.

Closing date for applications is 4pm Tuesday 21st September 2021. Applications received after this time will not be considered.

The closing date has been extended to 4pm Thursday 7th October 2021. Applications received after this time will not be considered.

Interviews will be held on Wednesday 13th October at Chequers Community Centre, Painswick Road, Gloucester, GL4 6PR.

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