Fair Shares New Venture into Community Reporting

In an effort to utilise the creative minds at our organisation, we gave community reporting an attempt.

The ICR, Institute of Community Reporters, was established in 2012 so as to provide a space for those who are not usually heard. It allows people to share their experiences and stories with a wider audience and possibly find like-minded people with whom to bring about change.

Out of the eight Fair Shares staff and participants, two did the silver level course. These two days of training allowed them to qualify as a community reporter and grants them access to upload their stories. The remaining six went further and completed the four day platinum level course. This means they are not only reporters, but are also capable of training others in both Silver and Gold level community reporting.

Once they’ve settled in, our trainers will begin to cultivate home-grown community reporters, and may even go further afield by helping other organisations record their stories!

With our new found skills and knowledge we hope to share interesting anecdotes from both our organisation and our participants, allowing people a glimpse at the exciting work we do.

Just click below to see the fruits of our labour.

Friendship Cafe Pt. 1

Friendship Cafe Pt. 2

Rich & Youth Support

What are you doing with your new £5 note?

Fair Shares

So did I actually learn anything on my life changing walk across the Andes?



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